By using our service, you will accept all the below terms and conditions.
- Payments are to be made upfront – before the lesson.
- You are required to give a minimum of 48 hours notice should you wish to cancel a lesson(s), less than 48 hours you will be charged for the missed lessons in full. Cancellations or changes of lessons by a pupil must be made directly through your instructor on Telephone No. 07956372245
- The instructor will not be held responsible for lesson cancellations due to mechanical breakdown but will endeavour to find a replacement vehicle as soon as possible. In the event of breakdown your instructor will provide additional training, equal to the amount of time lost.
- The instructor is entitled to withdraw the car for the usage of your test.
- The instructor will always give 1 week notice.
- Any block booking not fulfilled within 1 year of the initial payment may be lost.
- Face masks or coverings must be worn before entering the vehicle if pupil shows symptoms of COVID 19/FLU/COLD.
- Full length bottoms must be worn.
- Vehicle windows must be open when possible.
- Instructor can cancel lessons with a minimum of 2 Hours notice if he becomes unwell and showing symptoms of Covid-19.
- A minimum of 20 hours instruction must be taken in preparation for a practical driving test.